Cannot upload files to create support ticket

Hi, I am not sure where to post this but I am unable to upload files to create a support ticket. I get the following error:

403 (Forbidden)

776-51a7e517b1258324.js:1 RequestTimeTooSkewed: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.

Is there currently an issue with uploading items?



Also having this issue. Broken printer, broken site?

Did you guys ever figure this out I am having a similar issue we’re it tells me time between request time and current time is too long when I try to upload an image to make a ticket but won’t let you create a ticket without an image

Is it trying to upload logs?
Do you get an error causing the need for the ticket or is it a general issue?

Time is used in a lot of computer transactions and it’s pretty common that two computers trying to negotiate security credentials or many other computer things need the two computers to agree on what time it is to some number of milliseconds to some number of seconds. When they don’t, you get messages about time skew and stuff doesn’t work.

Network time protocol is used to sync up computer clocks. You can see if your computer is the offending one by just going to your clock setup on you computer and asking it to resynchronize.

There’s not a lot you can do if your system is fine and the other end is wrong except report it or just wait. Time synchronizations can walk and there are mechanisms to keep it from accepting too big a correction at one go. Big corrections can take a human to fix (at either end) depending on how ntp is configured.

I had problems the first time, found out I had the wrong logs. The log files needed are from the printer and need to be done via the sd card method on the wiki. Log files from Bambu studio don’t work. Export X1 series printer logs to a micro SD card | Bambu Lab Wiki

Had the same problem. My clock on my PC showed the wrong time. Fixed that and it worked afterwards.

So if you are having this problem it might be worth to check if your clock is running right.

They have pills for that.