Cant Rate Some Prints if Slightly Modified

I cant seem to rate some Models, unless I ‘straight’ use their print profile without ANY modifications.
Otherwise Bambu Studio will not give me the prompt, and MakerWorld will not show it in my histroy.

I did make some changes, but only because I didnt have the exact 3rd party hardware screws, and so made an adaptation for my screws.
But the overal function of the model was not changed in the slightest.

So I do plan to upload that as a print profile for it, but dont understand why that should affect my ability to rate the model for working well?

Because you are rating the print profile too.

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Did you access makerworld in a browser rather than Bambu Handy, log in, click on your avatar in the upper right and check “Ratings”?

Oh, when rating, do keep in mind that you are in fact rating the print profile NOT the model.
So do not rate a self-modified print profile (badly i.e. below 5 Stars).
Designers quite rightly take a dim view of being severely punished by people modifying their usually fine tuned profiles and then giving bad ratings for their own changes. A “minor” change like a different build plate can be make-or-break for a print.

Well, I cant rate it is my point.
It being the print profile directly that takes the rating makes sense.
But the fact that I added components, and changed nothing at all of the original model or print settings shouldnt disallow me from rating their print profile.

It would have been no different, if I had simply printed it to completion as is from the beginning, then done a seperate print with a new Studio project, and then put them together later.

Whether there is a question for morality by judging a modified version of their profile is irrelevant when nothing about it was changed, but point taken.

My issue more so lies within the technical aspect of not being able to rate it, because there is no option for it.

I admit to doing the same. But I can usually rate if going through the browser rather than the app.

Keep in mind that if you put two makerworld models in a single project, you can only rate one model. You are after all using only one print profile.

As for the rating itself, penalties for less than 5 star ratings are much more severe than the stars suggest. That minimum star requirement is overweight and able to kill even the best model in its infancy. So if you do want to give less, do so only if you have printed exactly as the designer defined in his/her print profile.

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PS: Forgot to add: If you have a new project and only import the 3mf’s from the download folder, the print will not neccessarily be linked to either model. So in that case, you may not be able to rate as the print may be considered a non-MakerWorld print.

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Hmm, this might be the reason, since I did not open it through the websites built-in redirect.


That would explain an issue I had with never getting to rate a model. Good to know.

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