Hi, I have a problem with printing items with a “carbon” texture. I have an original Bambu plate covered on both sides with carbon sheets. My issue is that in the layer that adheres to the plate, the print lines don’t bond together in some places, creating micro gaps that completely ruin the visual “carbon” effect. Do you have any ideal settings for such printing, and could you advise me?
If I remember correctly, you need to set the plate to Smooth PEI Plate. Otherwise, it will not have the correct z-height. Just a sec…
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Unfortunately, it’s even worse on the smooth plate, and the appearance is even more disappointing.
Did you also modify the first layer settings for the Smooth PEI? You’ll need to have a decent flow on that crucial 1st layer, so it is better to use a stronger initial layer height. Stick to defaults for the first tries.