Chamber Fan being set to 100% when a print starts

@crazyOC8 @GhostSeven @Warmup @Carlos_Ayala @user_1902567722

So for all of you, its NOT a bug its actually a FIX. Its HIGHLY DOUBTFUL going to be fixed as it IS a fix.

What I hear you cry? yes, its a fix. yes, its legit. The Machine start code, prior to ACTUALLY PRITING was incorrectly set to 70%, what your “used” to hearing. Its been now set to 100% PRIOR to printing to resolve some PLA jamming issues reported by numerous time to Bambu. I am not afflicated with Bambu (wish i was) however its in various placecs, code changes, machine code changes etc if your willing to search, including a mucch bigger thread on this forum and Github where the bug (original 70% fan code) was reported and fixed).

GitHub Link - Chamber fan goes to 100% when warming bed at begining of print job · Issue #4054 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub
Post by Bambu Rep

And the bug it fixed with the incorrect machine code.

However, I just got a CONFIG update - that I guess with all the reports, has lowered it back to 45?