Chamber Fan being set to 100% when a print starts

I hope you are right. The chamber temperature with the door open went up to 45°
With the fan going at 10%

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How do I set my chamber fan to 0% before the start of my print? My basement is too damn cold for chamber fan. And I have to manually turn it off in the device manager during a print and I’ve screwed that up too many times. Where exactly would I put the G-Code in Bambuslicer?

If you still need the answer.
I’m no pro in this and haven’t tested it myself, but I’m really sure it is in Filament settings > Advanced, there you can see multiple lines of “M106 P3 SXXX”
Change all the S numbers to 0, like “M106 P3 S0”
From some reddit post: M106 is the fan set M-code, P3 is the chamber fan, S255 is “Max”

If this isn’t right, please correct me.

For PETG, I see:

; filament start gcode
{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >80)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >80)}M106 P3 S255
{elsif (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >60)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >60)}M106 P3 S180

{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}
M106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} 

I don’t really know what exactly to do…literally change everything that says M106 to M106 P3 S0 ?

I would try this, if I wouldn’t want the chamber fan to be ON at all.

; filament start gcode
{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >80)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >80)}M106 P3 S0
{elsif (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >60)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >60)}M106 P3 S0

{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}
M106 P3 S0 

As I said, I don’t know much about this and I haven’t tried this myself, but if my understanding is correct, then, the first line would turn the chamber fan to 100% (S255), when bed temperature is over 80°C and the second would turn it to 70% (S180), if bed temp is over 60°C. The last one activates when air filtration is activated (and turns fan speed to something I don’t understand :sweat_smile:), but I don’t know where the setting for that would be, if it exists in Bambu Studio (there is one in Orca slicer).

Try this gcode, if it works, great, if not, sorry, then maybe you have to change something in the “Machine gcode” from the printer itself, but I can’t help there, try searching on the BambuLab reddit for “Chamber Fan comes on at 100% Despite 20% in print profile”. I hope I could somewhat help (and that my english is okey, not native)

I tried pretty much exactly what you wrote and it worked! I’ll make a ‘cold’ setting for each of the filaments I use and perhaps bump up the bed temp. Thanks!