Chamber Heating App

I wrote a little app to heat the X1/X1C chamber automatically. You start a print, and then within the next few seconds, run the app. Then the app:

  1. Connects to an X1/X1C via. MQTT
  2. Checks if a print is in progress. If so, it pauses the print.
  3. Sets the bed on max temp & Aux fan on 100%
  4. Polls the chamber temp until it reaches a number you set (45-50c is the highest you can reasonably attain)
  5. Automatically stops the Aux Fan and turns off the bed when chamber temp is reached
  6. Automatically resumes the print.

Using this app replaces needing to customize your gcode to set the max bed temp, turn on the aux fan, and then wait a pre-set amount of time before printing - which may or may not get your chamber to the temp you want.

With this little app, the chamber heating time is exactly as long or short as it needs to be to get to temp.

Right now it only works on M-series macs. And, it works locally - so you will at least have to have a LAN code. Message me if you’d like to test it out.

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cool! I dont have a mac but i think this is a great idea :slight_smile: