Changing filament fail?!

Just spent the last 20 minutes trying to change the filament on my A1 mini and i ended up with a fail print… can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?

? Anyone else had this issue - video?

It’s hard to tell from the video what went wrong - it’s looks completely normal, right up to the part where you just need to press the resume button for it to start back up. What happened when it failed, that doesn’t seem to be in the video?

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It was just stuck in a loop of pulling and pushing the filament. Loaded filament, pressed play, it was telling me it doesnt have filament , pushed it through, it was extruding until some point then pushing it back again and saying the filament is not there. It was showing the same message over and over again
I had to stop the print.

Did it work when you restarted?

It did, had to cut the filament though. It was stretched to a thread…
Nozzle wasnt clogged, i dont know…

It looks like tangled filament to me.

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I’m thinking the filament was tangled, too. I’ve noticed that full rolls sometimes wrap around the spool holder, get stuck and jam.