Have downloaded some print files from Thingiverse. The filament type listed in the Thingiverse description is PLA, however when I load the file and slice it, the filament type is PETG. I can find no way to change this, when I copy the file over to the printer I select the PLA spool, and it shows up as being the one in use, but it still uses the PETG spool when the print starts. If I try to change the fi8lament type in the slicer, it only shows a box with PETG and the spools in the AMS containing PLA are greyed out.
Can someone assist, is it just me being a noob? There doesn’t seem to be a way to manually select spool/filament type in Bambu Labs software?
Welcome to the forum.
Clicking on the filament type will allow you to change the type. You will need to change it to PLA and reslice the model.
If the filament you want isn’t listed, you might not have it checked in the list. Click on the Gear logo to the right just above the filament.
The important thing to remember is that what you have listed in Bambu studio for filament doesn’t have to match exactly what you have loaded in your AMS. Think of the filament in Bambu Studio as a “Library” of the filament you have available. Slice the model with the filament you want and then when you transfer the model to the printer you can match the filament to have you have loaded in the AMS.
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That did it. I had the PLA loaded in slot 4, and I was trying to set the filament type in the Slot 4 box instead of the first one.
Thanks for your patience!
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