Cleaning filament

Wondering if anyone has developed a process to use cleaning filament on an X1C. I am starting to notice some degraded prints which in part may be to a dirty nozzle. I would like to sun some cleaning filament through without having to remove the hotend.


this process could be the same:


I might cry if my filament ever pulled out looking as dirty as the one in that video hahaha


I tried following the instructions from the video yesterday to do a cold pull, but at least in the current firmware it yells on every ā€˜upā€™ button push to heat the extruder to at least 170. Having to acknowledge this message each time made for a PITA cold pull.

Maybe Bambu needs an option button for a cold pull to override this messageā€¦?


Remember to check your tubes. See Bambu Wiki. It really is important, the tubes get worn, and you can guess where the dust and debris ends up
Bambu also recommend cold pull.

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Which tubes? Sorry, I am complete noob.

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You donā€™t need to do a cold pull, just be sure to run some cleaner through between types of filament. So switching from pla to abs, or pla to pc, etc. Run it through a decent amount and youā€™ll never have issues. Just use the back spool slot

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I was not aware that there is such a thing as a cleaner filament. Is it sold by Bambu Lab?

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i think he was asking for a work flow!, ie from ams, from rear spool, straight in to head etc

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Late reply, but its readily available on Amazon. I think its just Nylon. Just run it through manually and see the gunk come out with it, you can cold pull, but its not required unless the clog is bad.

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What do you consider ā€œa decent amountā€?

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Some use nylon, some are formulated for a greater temp range, some probably have some special something, Iā€™ve never noticed a difference but I donā€™t use nylon, only stuff advertised as such.

I bought e-sun-cleaning-filament from amazon. But I dont have experiance, because til now I had no need to use it. BL cleans it self very well. But I think it is good to have it availabel just in case.
At amzon there is also a product video and at youtube you can find also. Search for ā€œTesting eSun cleaning filamentā€.
It is much more expensive than ā€œnormalā€ filament, but since you wont print with it you wont need much of it.

I have the Bambu 4-in-1 PTFE Adapter. I use one the holes for the AMS, I use the second hole to connect my filament dryer when printing non-AMS filaments, and I have a short PTFE tube 3-4 inches long that is always attached to the third hole. I feed the cleaning filament into that tube.


Snap. The 4 in 1 is a great wee add on. Iā€™ve been printing wood PLA directly from the dryer and about to start on some more exotics.

Yes this flat out does not work with it asking you to set it to 170 every time you hit the extract on the extruder control.

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Frustratingly, my comment you replied to is a full 2 years old and this is still an issue with the current firmware.