Color swapping

Say I have 2 colors on each layer, will Studio do:

First way:
Layer 1 color 1, swap to color 2
Layer 2 color 2, swap to color 1
repeat (starting new layer with previous layer color)


Second way:
Layer 1 color 1, swap to color 2
Layer 2 swap to color 1, swap to color 2
repeat (always starting each layer with color 1)

TBH i have not paid attention when I have been printing, but I certainly would hope the first way since the second way would have twice as many color swaps than first way to end up with same design when finished

The first one …

Just give it a test in BambuStudio … If you have a logo at the bottom with a different color and it will print this for 3 Layers, you will get 3 color changes in total.

Edit: Yeah, Fr33lab says it => Depending on the model. IF the slice can, it will optimize the swaps. If the current color would float in the air for the next layer, it will for sure change first to the other color ^^

The color swaps are optimized, so it is near to your first way, but depending on the model.

You can customize / edit the color change sequence for each layer via the plate settings