I am attempting to import a 2 color OBJ file from Fusion 360 into Bambu Studio but things are not going well.
I created a very simple file that has 2 objects, one black, one white.
When bambu studio displays the color matching box it seems to default to appending, so I click reset and color match. The colors then correspond to the ones in the AMS. However when the model is shown on the build plate it is all white in color.However if swap the the colors in the dialog so black is white and white is black it shows on the build plate the colors I selected.
I have tried several times with the same repeatable results.
Importing colour .obj files isn’t straightforward.
The best way is to ensure that your .obj file has vertex colour embedded; software such as Blender has this option.
You can check it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKaWIN_N0Tw
From what I understood, you found a workaround by swapping the colours. Is there any help you require?
The object is created in Fusion 360 with 2 bodies with coloration which is picked up by Bambu Studio but it seems to mess up the processing. Unfortunately this forum doesn’t seem to allow images so I have posted this question with images on Reddit for to better show what is going on.
I did tests using Fusion to create, colour and export .obj files (including .mtl) and import them to BS. It worked for both cases when I defined the .obj colours as new filaments or attributed them to existing ones. So, there is no need for vertex colour embedded, as I thought.
However, it seems that you cannot (or shouldn’t) aim to colour or change colours within BS, and you cannot even make significant transformations, such as converting from inches or splitting into parts. I succeed in some instances, but it isn’t reliable.
I prefer to colour within the slicer and use a better export format as a .step file.