Was looking through the wasteland known as Community and just blocking all the poll postings. Unreal how many stupid polls there are - “what do you want me, a newbie to design, to design next?”, “do you like blah, blah, blah”.
I was blocking away to clean the feed up again and got the blocked users limit message.
@MakerWorld - can we have more slots to block the poll cretins? No big deal if you can’t. Community is basically a wasteland anyway.
Easier to find new stuff just perusing the new uploads since those aren’t just walls of inane polls even if you have to step over the spam there too. It’s not quite as bad.
AFAIK they haven’t officially published guidelines for community feature of makerworld. Till then overall “MakerWorld Community Guidelines” apply, so there’s no rule against spamming retarded polls.