Competitions and printed images

I continue to see and report new models, especially in competitions without a printed image, just renderings or simply screenshots!
Reported several times, 1 in 10 are eliminated.
Is it possible that we are so stupid as to waste hours and filament before publishing to put the printed image, but ESPECIALLY to verify that the printed model has no problems?
I would like to see more diligence in Makerworld in eliminating these models, because it is too convenient and easy to make a model without printing it and waiting for someone to check that it is ok.
Especially in competitions, more severity is needed, because the quantity of these “models” obscures those who also commit to printing the model itself


Just a few examples, but there are more

1 Like

AIM, Stivi & Qwertysamyak look like spam accounts. Stivi nearly has more boosts than likes…


Yeahhhhh, seems suspicious, like this. It’s got no printed pictures, is a remix of something from thingiverse with no indication of if anything was even changed, and isn’t for a Bambu printer. It’s got 4 boost though, no makes, and only 2 downloads.

I don’t know though. What people find value in and boost is their own propagative. To me it doesn’t add up, but maybe it does to someone else.


I have just reported these, I will let you know how it goes.


All profiles for these models have now been removed.