Comprehensive table of properties for all Bambu filaments

I am looking for a comprehensive table or spreadsheet of all the properties for all types of Bambu filament, such as the data for PAHT-CF at PAHT-CF | Bambu Lab Global

The following Bambu resources only have a subset of all this data:

  1. Choose the right filament - 3D Filaments Guide for Bambu Lab Printers
  2. Filament guide - build plate, nozzle and AMS compatibility including required parametes | Bambu Lab Wiki
  3. FDM 3D Printing Filament guide for Beginners | Bambu Lab Wiki

Is there a comprehensive table, spreadsheet or PDF somewhere?

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i’m putting one together at my site, but it is not yet complete, and i’m worried about tracking upstream changes.

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There’s a spreadsheet on the Bambu Labs website that covers this.

It’s not as easy to find on the website as it should be, but it’s been on there, and updated regularly for over a year that I know of. Currently you find the link to the PDF by going to the Filaments section, scrolling down to Compare Filaments, then clicking the Learn More link.


I’ve also got one on my wiki if you don’t like spreadsheets. It doesn’t cover all the PLAs, but I am automatically watching for information changes on Bambu’s side.


Thanks man! That’s nice! Found it really useful in this format

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glad i could help! i’ve recently been adding polymaker stuff as well.

Nice summary @nickblack - good enough to make a Wikipedia article I think.