Consistent ghosting on all parts

When printing parts with PLA or PETG ghosting or banding has been very bad using stock profiles for generic PLA. I’m using Inland PLA. I’m using the standard 0.2 mm layer height profile for 0.4 nozzle.

This is true for short or tall parts.
Dropping the speed WAY down helps.
I have the printer on two large cement blocks for mass dampening.

Is this common behavior? Is there anything to do about this?

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It sadly IS common with Bambu machines and very hard to fully eliminate.
Comes down to layer time, acceleration and then some.
In a nutshell:

If the layer time changes these effects change.
If the k-factor is WAY off these effects get far worse.
If the flow ratio is not properly calibrated it gets really bad…

This effect can be really bad when printing seemingly simple box designs and such.
The bottom is done and then the shape and look of the walls just change - often creating a lip around the model.
And where there is cut outs like in case thing get really ugly.
I use well calibrate filament but even like that I am no able to fully eliminate these issues.
Only if I reduce the print speed so that basically all is dine at the same low speed the result is (almost) acceptable.


Thanks for the reply! I’ll calibrate and see if I can reduce the effect. Will report back with feedback.

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is your table stable? try putting it on solid floor and see if it improves, i know they do vibration compensation but its now not a flawless process. Unfortunately bed slingers are more prone to the ghosting, but belts can also contribute to this… havent fired up my A1 lately but i know my results arent as bad as yours and i use pretty much any standard pla’s with default settings

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I have noticed this behaviour with certain inland Fillament in conjunction with the A1, and some with the A1 Mini. (I own Both)
There seems to be 2 factors playing a role on mine, Material used and Size of the bedslinger+speed.

  1. Slowing the A1 print down helped
  2. Repositioning it in a different area on A1 helped
  3. Firmware updated on A1 Helped
  4. Lessen the print temp a bit increments of 5 seem to lessen the effect
    Notice all of them helped the matter in my case but it never 100% went away.
    On the A1 mini doing one of those three things almost made it dissapear 99% of the time.

This was using Inland PLA+ Black, Green, White.
I have the same colors but it in inland PLA Tough and the ghosting disapeared to the point it looked like a legit Production part. With no edits or adjustments just print on Bambu as is. So try some other variant of the PLA it may help. If using inland in those colors I am mainly using Inland PLA Tough now.

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