Consitant failure to level

My p1s has been failing to level for about the past week. It suceeds mabye 1 in 10 attempts, and when it fails it is at the end of the process, very frustrating. I downgraded the firmware to the previous as i had updated to the latest, that made no difference, i then tried 2 different new sd cards, no effect. I have reset to factory, i have done the calibration several times (it fails during the bed leveling portion). I have also tried 3 different plate types, no effect. I have opened a ticked however i am hoping somebody has encountered similar and has an easy fix! This thing is not even a month old.

Does it bring up an error when it fails to complete the levelling? Probably need a little more info. Can you take a video showing what happens?

Thanks yes i guess i should have started with that, it gives the following code (this example from a couple of days ago), after tapping the bed countless times on the far right, one row from the back: 0300 4002 02:32:40.

I can try to get a video, but after failing, it lowers the bed, and the print job just dissapears. The error only shows in bambu studio, not on the printer or app.

That certainly is weird. That code doesn’t appear in the HMS code list so I can’t check what it is. I wonder as it only shows in Bambu studio, whether it is an error with the start g-code. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling studio which should put the g-code back to standard, or try a P1P profile and see if it completes the levelling. But apart from that you may have to submit a ticket.

Also check whether your hotend got bent somehow, sometimes not easy to see, especially if bent slightly only.

How would i go about checking if the hotend is bent? Would it be a visually noticable amount? From what i can see everything looks ok. I have had further luck getting it to level without the top glass on, which may suggest some sort of intereference with the ptfe tube, however i see nothing that stands out when i watch it both ways.

Would it be a visually noticable amount?

Yes, you would be able to see it if having a look from front and side.

Brought this up as I recently had issues with levelling, adhesion and print quality (as stuff still came out ‘okayish’) and did no suspect the hotend itself at first and started messing with profiles, calibration, different plates and whatever.
I was looking at the hotend from front only and only later found out the the hotend was bent backwards.

Your issue sounds similar to this:

Well i guess i could use this as an excuse to slap the hardened steel hotend that i bought for cf printing in. Very hard to get a good reference for straightness with the hotend installed. Thank you for the link, it does seem like exactly what ive experienced, right down to it first occuring after doing high temp printing (pc @ 100c bed temp). Unfortunately doesnt seem to provide a clear path to resolution other than hardware replacement.

Ive swapped the nozzle and now cannot level or run calibration at all, effectively killing my ability to use it at all, as atleast before i could still print without leveling and get good results form the stored matrix. Very frustrated.

It’s the same error code coming up now you’ve changed the nozzle? I’d go through the bed tramming procedure just in case one of the adjusters is out of whack compared to the others. The procedure is here Manual Bed Leveling / Manual Bed Tramming | Bambu Lab Wiki

Yes, after hotend swap and manual tramming, the error i am getting is still 0300 4002 01:03:59. I have just completed the manual bed leveling again, and that code is 5 minutes old. Of note is that it will succeed once in a while with pla, but never with higher bed temp materials. I also put a fresh build plate on today but that did not help. The old hotend did not look bent either. Appreciate your help.

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I’m almost out of ideas, sorry. Last thing I would try rolling back the firmware to an earlier version and try again. It’s possible it’s somehow corrupted. But I think you’ve exhausted just about everything.
Here’s a link to the HMS code list. The error you’re seeing looks different in the last few numbers to what is meant to be displayed. Is this from the slicer or from the screen? 4002 isn’t in the list, perhaps they are different in the slicer.

Thanks Rick, i have tried rolling back the firmware, but perhaps i could doing it two levels back. The part that gets me is that itll work with bed temps around 55c, but will not with any higher bed temps. Im finding myself calibrsting a pla in order to ensure im level for a hi temp pc print i am trying to do, with no ability to calibrate the pc. I really appreicate you giving it a shot! I was in communication with bambu but havent heard from them in several days now.

Hi, i just wanted to check in to see if there was a fix for this. My P1S is barely 3 days old and its been having this issue as well, failing to complete the bed leveling. I have a ticket in with Support but have not yet heard.

I have tried factory resetting the system and a new formatted SD card and still have the same issue where it normally fails somewhere on the 2nd row.

I too wanted know if there was ever a fix found for this problem. I’ve had a P1S for about a month now and it has started exhibiting issues.

Yes, the fix sent to me from Bambu was to loosen and then retighten the screws on the build plate. Should be 2 per rod, so 6 total screws, a couple screws may have like tape over it.

Seems issue is factory over tighten screws. Doing that resolved my issue and have never had it happen again.