Constant extruder skippings? / or motor skippings?

Hi there i am stuck with the same issue on an P1S did you fix your problem?

This is weird, I’m starting to get the same or similar issue with my P1S as well. I have been printing almost non-stop since I got it back in November, and now it just decided to stop extruding during mid-print. I didn’t take apart the extruder, but I did manage to remove the clogged/jammed PLA in it. But the motor continued to click/stuck. I’m going file a ticket as well.

Rather than wait two weeks on support you could do this maintenance wiki for your extruder.

It will probably eliminate all your problems.


You must disassemble the extruder and remove all filament residues from it. Only if you have inspected it when it is open can you know whether there is anything left inside.

I’m having the exact same issues, my just started yesterday and I’ve tried everything you have so far, with no improvement…

Welcome to the forum.


I have, I also swapped out the entire hot end assembly as well with a brand new one. If I help push the filament gently it seems to go okay for a second, if I let it try and let it take it off the spool by itself, it skips.

Did you take the extruder assembly out and inspect the gears?

A post was split to a new topic: Poor Bed Adhesion

I am having the same issues as the OP. Did anyone find a resolution to this? I have tried everything and am pulling my hair out at this point. Different hot ends, rebuilt extruder several times, etc.

Can anyone point to a solution that worked for you?


I had this issue where after upgrading my P1S to a hardened steel extruder, it could barely push filament anymore and slipped on everything.

There’s a few ways I addressed the issue:
A) I took out the new extruder gears and washed them with dish soap, especially where they contact the filament, then drying thoroughly before putting everything back together. There’s sometimes factory lubricant left on these. I think this was probably my main issue. Note: Do NOT wash the bearings!
B) When feeding filament, make sure I cut it so there’s a nice clean end and no weird wiggles in it from previously having been in a hot end, etc… It may sometimes help to straighten out any kinks by hand and use a lighter to soften the end and give it a nice taper or rounded point.
C) Removed the top cover and/or turned the Chamber/Extraction fan up higher to vent more heat from the chamber - might be getting heat creep causing filament to soften while still in the extruder. This is especially prominent for PLA, but can happen with PETG too, especially when printing slow.
D) This one is a WIP - I’m redesigning the extruder housing to more tightly constrain the filament path. There’s room for the filament to stray from the intended path and the end catches on some sharp edges on the filament path where it enters the hotend from the extruder, preventing it from moving further. This is especially problematic for softer or more flexible filaments like very low Shore hardness TPE. I will post the model on Printables and MakerWorld when it’s done, but right now it needs more testing :smiley:

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