Constant issues with new P1S jamming

ive used sainsmart tpu with no issue’s except it got jammed in my extruder after it finished the print and i left the filament there for a day?

I’ve heard some people back off the tension screw on the extruder cuz tpu is so soft?
I’m pretty new to 3d printing and learning as i go.

I assume you did the norm? dry filament and print from external spool holder? and not ams?

Correct on all of the above. Feeding from a low resistance external filament dryer.

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@BambuLabWikiTeam @BambuLab do you have any suggestions? I have the same issue with Overture TPU (non HS).

Have you adjusted the extruder tension?
I had to adjust the extruder tension and print with the 0.6 nozzle for printing successfully with TPU on my P1P.
The 0.4 nozzle just wasn’t reliable enough for me.

read through this it might help, there was another thread with very good description
around TPU printing , but this one is for the tension , and do not forget to change slow speeds on the E (retraction , DE retraction , max E speed ) , I have done the mods and works nicely , but for TPU/TPE 95-98 hardness you should not need it

ive only printed once with tpu with my p1s . I used sain smart black tpu to print gaskets for my ams riser. I used the generic setting and had good succes and prints came out great ,m though they were very simple flat prints. My problem was when the i was finished printing a peice of tpu got stuck in extruder and i had to remove and clean it. Forgot to mention i printed from my sunlu filament dryer , no ams!

Did you ever find a solution? Pla is now giving me the same issue with almost every filament change.

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I can’t help noticing that none of these P1S jam reports have mentioned that the door was open and top removed, as Bambu recommends for TPU, PLA and PETG.

Heat creep is a real thing…


I’m having this problem with PLA. I don’t have to door open but I have it in a cold room, 67F (19C).

See what happens if you leave the door open. Heat builds up in a closed chamber.

Hello, do You see a difference loosing that screw?

Did the tension screw adjustment make it better or worse. Seems to me it would help. Is this resolved? Having this issue with pla, mangling the filament in the gears.