Contest Schedule Feb.23-Mar.18

Why not a contest using one or more of your LED kits or other kits you sell in your store? :slight_smile:


there is one Contest Detail - MakerWorld

they are fantastic gifts, especially for kids but don’t discount the joy of building for older folks too. it’s nostalgic to build a model, and these kit cards riff on that really well. they are also great examples for youth makerspace projects - they print quickly, consistently, require minimal adult supervision, and have the capacity to really amaze kids who don’t know much about making yet.


One idea , a motor kit contest .

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Already saw some very interesting ideas that we truly love!
Keep it going!

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Another contest idea: users with the most reports, copyright violations and stolen models actually get a ban instead of just a slap on the wrist.


aneopsy would win for sure :rofl:

A movies theme would be good.

Ideas for future contests:

  • Vehicle cabin accessories (drink holders, phone mounts, console organizers, etc)
  • Wall art (silhouettes, hueforge, lights that shine patterns onto walls, etc)
  • Astronomy (telescopes, constellations, planetary models, etc)
  • House plants (watering systems, planters, hanging planters, etc)

Upcoming holidays:

  • Easter
  • St Patrick’s Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Memorial Day

Yeah!! More art more fun! +1 for this!

ok the wall art mw has too much hueforge and wall art

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would be good to see some shamrock themed stuff and some drinker oriendtied stuff too.

How about an AI contest where you create an image using AI and then a model from the image.

Maybe I’m just looking for an excuse to make a post apocalyptic ice cream truck.


I’d like to see the topic of filament poop for a future contest. The idea of the Filament Poop Lamp from finniminni (h**ps:// was such a great object and I would like to see more things like this for reusing filament leftovers.

when you add dates what time zone is this ? thanks

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I would love a garden or plant themed contest! :slight_smile: I also love the idea of a contest for puzzles, and one for astronomy or space themed stuff.


Hi, we will update the time zone feature in the near future, but most of our contest dates should be in the GMT+8 time zone. Thanks


a cool contest idea would be thing like 3d miniatures or characters or stuff that you can airbrush

No St. Patrick’s day contest? Have some models I was going to submit with it, but if there isn’t going to be a contest, I’ll go ahead and submit them ahead of time.

maybe a “Space Race” contest would be relevant, with all the advancements SpaceX/Nasa are making