Dear @MakerWorld I would like to suggest a contest theme.
With the new flexible material suitable for the AMS due for launch on November 12th, I think a great contest would be “Flexible Materials”.
The ideal launch window is a week or two after the new material has been launched so those of us wishing to purchase some may have the opportunity to purchase it and then the delivery time will mean we also require time to explore it if it is different from the common TPU 95.
All the models should contain at least 25% TPU (or related flexible*) material.
It would be good to have 100% flexible material-based models and those that utilise flexible materials as a component.
I recommend making it clear this is NOT a flexible model contest, instead, a flexible material model contest.
Another loss for the U.K., the US store confirms it is in the TPU family, albeit, seemingly accidental due to the 404 page. (Thanks to @Zammer3D)
* The promo for the new material does not explicitly state it is TPU, but, it appears it is.
A contest focused towards flexible materials would be aaawwwweeesome. Yes, awesome enough to warrant a jumble of extra letters to draw it out.
One of the issues I’ve had is TPU is cool, but at the same time, there’s not a whole lot of neat/interesting/curious models that showcase it in a way that can get you thinking and exciting. A contest helping showcase the applications could be great!
I mean, there are a hand full of obvious uses. Like tires. I’m tired of that though; I’m curious what weird ways people might utilize flexible materials in ways I hadn’t thought of. I want to be inspired!
I am hoping it comes in a wide selection of colors given it is targeting the AMS. It would be great for motorcycle keychains flopping against your tank in the wind.