Contest winner Stole the model

Good to know - I will not be posting any original Designs on Maker World based on this. Bambu Labs if you can prove this guy is bullshitting please make us aware if not No original content from me on Maker world.


I love it, @Ri0m0 (Ruven Bals) steals the concept from “emmett” on Thingiverse and tries to claim he’s the originator. I think that Thangs should be checking for copyright infringement of “emmett’s” original concept, but all they really care about is creating paywalls for everybody’s 3D designs. When I put my stuff on MakerWorld, thingiverse or anywhere else, I do it for the love of the community, and I do it for FREE. If I want to be paid for something, I’ll post it on Etsy. Too MANY people are trying to take the thing we love about 3D design and printing, which is OUR COMMUNITY, to make profit from OUR designs, sometime against our wishes. @Ri0m0 if you want to be paid, that’s fine, more power to you Sir, but don’t complain when someone uses the SAME concept that you used. You, yourself proved that you used “emmett’s” concept, have you paid him for his contribution to YOUR SUCCESS?


I find it rather amusing that someone needs to point the facts out so blatantly. Are people really so naive that they think people wont steal their stuff :rofl:
People get mugged, robbed etc. all over the world but wont download a free design and use it for profit? There is definitely a sucker born every second :rofl:

Yes, that’s how the world gets better… by pointing out (and improving) things that we believe should be better.

My 2 cents are that if the model gears (the hard part of the model) perfectly align with those of Ri0m0, give or take a rescale, the model should be taken down. Since the idea was not original from the beginning i’d dare say that if it is an original remodelling without reverse engineering of the technical aspects (see overlapping stuff with the original stl) it should be allowed. It should also be a matter of skills, did Ri0m0 and TNTBA ever publish similar models showing the evolution of skills required to design this model from the scratch up?

I wish it was that simple but the world isn’t getting any better, just louder with complaints. The old adage still remains true, actions speak louder than words.


I just want to add that after the next contest ends we will be having this discussion all over again.

Same for the next one, and the next one. Not because they’re all being stolen. Because there’s always someone who can’t lose gracefully.

Bet ya.


It’s like our ground hog day :joy:


This is the same guy that skyrocketed his subscription price to $50 when the video went viral. That right there tells you what his motivation is.


There’s nothing wrong with monetizing one’s work.

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I want everyone to know @johnfcooley stole my post. I originally had this idea three days ago, I even typed it in Notepad++ so I could post it.
************** PROOF!!! **********************

I was YEARS ahead of my time with this sort of concept. If it wasn’t for me coming up with it, nobody would have had an idea for a post like this.
Now he’s going to get all the emojis and internet points that rightfully belong to me! @johnfcooley you are the scum of the earth. I’ll never make another post again, anywhere, ever. What’s the point?!?!
(yes, this post is a parody)


Amazing lol. This forum really needs a facepalm emoji.

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Same here, partecipated in the OpenSCAD one, my project had a good return, but did not gen any prize: I was not expecing one of the top three, which have been won by good designs (even if one used work from another source), but at least one of the smaller.

Instead, projects that had 1/10 to 1/45 of downloads, visits, prints or boost than mine have been just judged more eligible than mine.
Dedicated to my ambigram generator over 200 hours on my project and released 5 versions following users requests and feedbacks.

Obviously the contests are attractive, but without a clear statement on how judges judicate works, they’re to easy to become an easy field where doesn’t really matter how good your work is.

I’m not likely partecipating in any of them ever again, can spend my time in better ways.

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Nothing wrong at all monetizing it. But, raising the price from $10 (or whatever it was) to $50 almost overnight for what amounted to one or two designs because it went viral was a douche move and nothing but a money grab.

Then to come here and complain because someone made one similar and “Imagine how much money I lost because of this.” is just pathetic after the move he pulled on Thangs.


You didn’t license it properly. Now it’s mine. BTW now it’s non commercial and not shareable.

You snooze….



:person_facepalming::woman_facepalming::man_facepalming:t3: These seem to work on an iPad

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I meant for one of these quick-reaction ones.
I want more! MOOOOORE!!!

:man_facepalming:t3: :grin:. And a 25 char minimum…

indeed (add whatever characters to make 25)

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One of the reasons I never share anything I intend to monetize is the prevalence of theft in certain communities. This habit of stealing designs is unfortunately widespread in the 3D printing world. Try pulling the same stunt with major corporations, and you’ll quickly understand the consequences. Ironically, those same companies often exploit smaller creators—but that’s a different discussion.

I’m passionate about animals and once developed what I thought was a unique technical solution to promote the use of captive-bred animals exclusively. To my surprise, the idea was blocked from mass production by a 100-year-old patent—created long before the computer era! It’s amazing to think that someone conceived of it back then.

I’m a big supporter of free 3D models, but we must respect the original creators. Even if we’re inspired by a model and improve upon it, proper credit is essential. If we continue to disregard creators’ rights, this behavior will inevitably harm the community. One day, we might find ourselves with no exciting new models to print because the culture of theft has driven innovation away.