Cool Plate availability?

I was going to get more cool plates, and I noticed that the Cool Plate is no longer listed on the webstore. Will it continue to be available? I routinely use that plate.


Yeah so I heard too. I’m puzzled as to why - I haven’t heard of anything replacing it. I use it for anything PLA where I want a smooth finish, avoiding fan noise. But my original cold sheet is still fine and I have two spares so I should be fine for a couple of years - especially as I move over to PETG more and more.

BTW there’s also the dual smooth PEI now - perhaps eventually there also wont be any Engineering Plate?

Anyone hear anything? Not sure if mods answer questions here. If not I might send in a support ticket to ask, if it’s really getting discontinued I’ll have to spend some time adjusting my processes.

I couldn’t find a Cool Plate listed at the BambuLab store either, but I was able to order one from I have no affiliation with them - I just found them via a google search. Shipping was expensive ($14 on a $24 item), but I didn’t see another seller at the moment.