Cool Plate Bad Adhesion Issue

Hi! This cool plate adhesion issue has been driving me crazy. Any insight is appreciated and I’ll list things that I’ve tried and what I think to be the issue.

I’m printing these tiny mini figures pokemon with admittedly small first layers (~25mm x ~25mm) but as the print continues, they’ll all come flying off. This started happening across all my cool plates and it doesn’t make sense, I thought the cool plates were known for their strong adhesion.

Everything I know / tried:

  1. All printed on generic pla and factory cool plate setting. Behavior consistent with Bambulab filament, Sunlu, hatchbox as the filament on first layer.
  2. Happening across multiple P1S and cool plates, not an isolated issue to one printer, I’ve tried power cycling and bed leveling.
  3. I have washed every plate with hot water and dish soap and a sponge and paper towel dried after, no fingerprints or oils.
  4. I even tried printing on a cool plate with no glue and somehow the adhesion is worse?? The prime tower literally fell off, it seems the glue is the only thing keeping the prints on.
  5. Printing these on my X1C on cool plate have worked before.
  6. Successfully printed these on a textured plate but I want to figure out my cool plates.
  7. The prime tower also has bad adhesion, so not related to just the model.

Possible sources

  1. Glue stick eroding sticking material? I use this glue: picture attached below glue stick on all my plates. But it has good reviews.
  2. The glue stick does smell like cleaning alcohol a bit, but I think that’s normal material.

Thank you for the help.

Multiple machines suffering the same issue? Could be environmental factor like room temperature, surmising the room is big as you’ve mentioned multiple P1’s it could be too cold.

Everything you’ve listed is good and what normally could’ve obtained some results, I’d raise the bed temp by 5-10c for a test to see.

Thanks! I’ll definitely try that, I definitely have noticed the prime tower brim warping off since moving into a less insulated garage. Just curious, does the chamber of the P1S not help at all though?

Edit: I’ve tried this already actually, set multiple printer beds to 45C, but after the print has already started past the first layer. Does the initial temperature matter as much or the constant temperature?

The chamber temp is helpful but it does more to stop the errant draughts than to maintain a stable temp. I’m assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere and in winter too :slight_smile: I notice there always is a trend with these issues as the seasons change.

Saying that they come flying off, infers that the print head is hitting them. It could be that the print is letting go of the bed, and print head is hitting it, or it could be that print head is hitting it anyway. Some infill patterns can be the cause of that, and maybe you need to change z-hop. If the print is lifting off on it’s own accord, then try using a bigger/thicker brim or a raft. Maybe slow it down.

If it printed before, with the same filament, maybe now the filament needs drying.

Thanks for the help!! Upping the temp to 45 completely fixed all the problems. Cannot thank you enough.

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