Cool Plate Super Track - Remove prints

Good Morning!

I am pretty new to 3D printing and just bought myself the cool plate super track. Oh my… the reputation of good adhesion was certainly deserved, I love it. However… I have also broken a few prints trying to get them off the plate lol.

My friend recommended 50% water & 50% alcohol… is supposedly losening the bond to the plate. But I don’t want to accidentally screw with the plate coating… if that is a thing.

Anybody got any recommendations despite gentle prying?


I’m printing at 30C and on completion of the print I raise the Bed temperature to 48C followed by taking the plate out, flexing it which has allowed the print to lift.

Print your self the scarper from the file that comes with your printer…


I did print the scraper, that is how I broke my prints haha. Heating the plate to pull the stuff off sounds like a plan. Thank you!

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It’s the only way I’ve managed, heads-up do not exceed 48C with PLA.

aske me how I know… :rofl:

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Use the Bambu scraper to separate a tiny portion of a corner and then use there this:

Your plate and part will not be damaged.

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Oooh this is brilliant! Thank you so much for pointing it out!

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