Cool plate supertack with pet-g

Hello, I have problems with warping when printing PET-G.
I cleaned the plate but it made zero difference. What temps is the best for printing PETG on this plate? Thanks in advance.

Starting point ?

  • Increasing heatbed temperature enhances adhesion. Users need to adjust the temperature of the heatbed based on their specific requirements in order to achieve the most suitable level of adhesion.

But that’s for PLA, what I am asking for is PET-G, I triend everything between 60 and 80 but warping still occurs.

Your title says “cool plate” but you’re using high temperatures.

Do you have any other plates to try?

When I print with PETG I will only use a bed temp of 70 or higher.

Well, I am using default temperatures for PET-G for this plate that are in Bambu Slicer.

I have only ever tried to use my “cool plate” once or twice and I hated the results.
So, I am not the one to answer how to use your cool plate, my apologies.

As someone who prints with PETG almost exclusively, I use a PEI plate 95% of the time with a temp from 70-80 and don’t have much in the way of warping.

You could try adding a brim to hold your bottom layers better.

Tried a couple times with a brim and with different settings but it always warped at corners of the print sadly.

It sucks that this plate is recommended for PLA and PETG and I cant print PETG on it XD

So, I would say try to move to a better plate then. I don’t know if the cool plate is going to get you the results you are looking for.

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What better plate? Textured PEI is good for warping but I hate that the bottom layer is not smooth.

Since you have warping, I’m assuming the model has a fairly large “foot print”.

The cool plate might be fine for smaller models, but larger prints often require different tools.

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Again, I have never tried the plate you are using. So maybe someone has better advice.

Here is a PEI without the texture:

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PETG loves to warp. In particular when moist. And it is usually moist when coming out of the bag.

As for the plate, the Engineering and Smooth PEI plates work really well in my experience. I’d advise putting a few lines of PVA glue stick on it and, using a wet paper towel, distributing a thim PVA film evenly across these plates. Not for adhesion, but to have a release film.

Other items of note concern the specific PETG and the settings. Bambu PETG Basic default settings for example are… easy to improve upon. But we’d need to know what you are using.

And of course, PETG rewards slow and steady printing. Better one good a print a day than two bad ones…

There are a few more items re PETG, but we need more details. Failure pics, screenshots, 3mf,…

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