Cooling Fan noise - need some verification pls

7 day old X1C. The cooling fan started making a high-pitch whine yesterday. Support says it’s normal, I just want to make sure that’s accurate. It sounds like the fan is falling apart.

sounds like somthing stuck on or by the fan blades as it is very high pitch

Nothing stuck in the blades. I’ve blown it out with compressed air and inspected it thoroughly.

To me it sounds like the bearings didn’t hold up.

It sounds metallic to me.

I had a noisy MB fan when it was brand new. Ordered a new one and I’m still waiting to install it. Sound went away and still running. :smiley:

You can get with support for a new one or buy one for 20 bucks.

If it was me cause I know how support can be. I would go with $20 option. And call it good.


Bearings are going.