CR6-SE print profile error

I was doing some tests with non Bambulab printers print profiles. And I encounter this error when trying to upload a print profile for a Creality CR6-SE :

Exception occurred when building the slicing parameters. Please confirm the 3mf file is generated by Bambu Studio.

I’ve double check my 3mf file made on BambuStudio v1.8.4.51 MacOS.
And everything looks fine to me. I’m using the printer system preset “Creality CR6-SE 0.4 nozzle” and the filament system preset “Generic PLA”.

The error message says “Please confirm the 3mf file is generated by Bambu Studio.” But I didn’t find any ways to achieve that. The only options available to me are : Edit, Download Print Profile or Delete.

Am I missing something ?

In the notification center, I have a slightly different message :

Please make sure the model is sliced normally on Bambu Studio before uploading.

I’ve done another test by just changing the printer system preset to a “Voron Trident 250 0.4 nozzle” and this 3mf file passed the verification test.

Could this error be related to the fact that the Creality CR6-SE is running on Marlin ?

Thanks for reporting it. We will check and solve the issue.

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