@carter2 @Hobo4ssassin I’ve been frustrated by intermittent occurrences of unacceptable seam gaps for a while now. Most of the time it happens because I forget to select one of my custom filament profiles with calibrated pressure advance values, but sometimes the correct profile is selected and there’s still a stringy, 1-2 mm gap at the seam.
I tried carter2’s retraction settings on test prints and found that they produce uniform seam quality for each filament. The seam was still visible on the Silk PLA test prints, but it was much less noticeable with no stringy gap. Then I used the updated filament profiles for two simultaneous production prints on X1Cs and both prints had terrible 2 mm wide stringy seam gaps. Each printer was using a different filament brand, but the profiles matched the brands.
The printers were still warm from the test prints, Bambu Studio remained open and the same filament profiles were selected for the two production prints as the test prints.
I did use different spools of filament on the test prints and production prints, but they were just different color variations of the brands used for the test prints with the matching temp, pressure advance, and flow ratio characteristics based on previous testing.
Any ideas what could be causing this “Jekyll and Hyde” seam gap behavior?