Creator Center showing incorrect information

I was looking at Creator Center and was confused by some discrepancies between my profile and Creator Center. My profile says I have 9 downloads and 1 print between my models (I have only been uploading models for a few days). However Creator Center says I have 6 downloads and 0 prints. This is quite sad to me as I love looking at these types of statistics and am confused why the numbers are different. If you know anything I would love to find out why this is happening and what numbers are correct.

I think the stats for Creator Center are calculated once a day because of all the data sifting it has to do. Just reporting downloads is pretty immediate. Tomorrow the Creator Center should align with what you see today on your profile.

Added looking at this again. It could do stats on whatever schedule they want them done on but data intensive stuff is probably done at whatever time they tend to have least traffic to their database. So far it seems like every 24 hours but time could be anything like @MalcTheOracle suggested.


In addition to the information @MZip shared.

It could also be the timezone between when it started the counting and the 24 hours from that point.

Remember we are all over the world and the stats are centralised.


Oh ok thank you, it was up to date this morning I thought it had been longer than 24 hours but looking at it now that does make sense.

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