Dark theme mode please?

hello id really love to get a dark mode on the makerworld website please :slight_smile:


quote, me too. My eyes will cry with all this light

Laughs in Dark reader


I’d love this too without hacking my browser.

it is there, just go to profile preferences the navigate to interface menu, under the color scheme, change it to dark.

i will be black and green theme.

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i have no idea what your talking about but its not on makerworld.

He is probably talking about Bambu Handy.

well yeah i know bambu handy does show in black but im talking about the web interface

Yup, that’s how you turn on Dark mode for the community forum…


sorry lol again on makerworld.com

I second this motion, I use dark mode for every site that offers it.

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@tanklet please? Seems easy enough to add :slight_smile:

I use Dark Reader addon on my browser and it’s on for makerworld.com
Works great. Allows for website specific customizations.

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Hmmm, it’s not like it is just a switch you toggle on…

This may not be developed recently (in our TODO list).
As @Contributing_Factor mentioned, browser addon/plugin may help on that for now.


I would also like this added to preferences cannot stand white backgrounds and Dark reader is the only solution for now.

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