
New user. Any advice on using a dr-burring tool to clean up prints?

I guess it depends on the parts shape. This kind of tool works for my type of stuff (mostly technical parts):

Coming from the machining world I had an expensive one for many years. No idea how good the cheap knock offs are, but I guess for plastic and 10 bucks there is little that could go wrong.


I also like the ceramic blade type of tool - great to smooth out things.
The above is great for general use, the ceramic ones where you need smooth and straight surface.

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I’ve found it works well for deburring inside radius. For outside radius, since clearance isn’t an issue, just ordinary sanding seems to work easier, more predicably, and without inadvertant gouging. I’ve often wondered: is it just me? Am I just using the wrong technique or something with this tool? Or is that the finding of others who’ve tried it also?

If it’s small holes, you’ll want to use a reamer to debur in the inside radius.

Be carefull using this if you are left handed…

It took me for ever to realize they are meant to be used with your right hand!

Using it left handed will result in gouging…

There are probably left hand blades.

Files are also a good choice, even for inside radius. It offers a bit more control, again avoiding gouging.

Even the Noga’s are plastic now unless you spend $40+. :roll_eyes:

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