I’m putting txt on an image but when I go Slicing the program gives an error message and when I remove the txt it goes fine .
What am I doing wrong
Welcome to the forum!!
What error message did it give you? Frequently the problem with text is it’s too small for the slicer to handle, but normally in that case it will just disappear.
Welcome to the forum.
Are you able to upload the .3mf file?
If I get the txt from the flag it works
I think this is your issue:
Select all parts, then right click and merge
You’ll get an assembly
That’ll slice error free
Thank you for the .3mf.
Your issue was that the text and model were all different parts.
I merged them together (select all of them and “merge”) and it solved the issue.
parachute eigen test v3_fixed.3mf (543.0 KB)
Dang it, @EnoTheThracian that was quick! I’m losing my edge. @PrinterMcgee schooled me yesterday too.
Well you both beat me today! I had barely loaded the .3mf and @EnoTheThracian had already diagnosed it and you fixed it lol.
But only you were thorough enough to post a 3mf
Ya but you still get the gold star because you posted actual steps with pictures of how to solve the issue. This is super helpful for people finding this thread in the future.
Great for the explanation.
And I’ve been working with it for a few hours
Thank you very much