Delete printer profiles

How can I delete unused printer profiles?

In the past I had imported a lot of Probilt under user presets based on an X1 because of PLA LW parts.
I only own a P1P
this is just cosmetic but how to clean it up? a new installation does not help.

In the printer selection area, uncheck the X1.


no printer other than the p1p is marked there.

Those are adjusted copies of profiles. Click to edit the copy profile and delete it from the upper right corner.




ahh I missed that.
Thank you very much.

Hi - with in the Mac-Version I do not find this cross to delete the profile. Where can I do that?

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Still no X in the mac version that I can see. Any easy way to do this?

To remove unwanted profiles on the Mac you can use the “Select/remove printers” option in the dropdown. The trick is you have to make a change in the popup for any changes to take place, and you probably won’t see the printers you want to change checked. However, if you make any changes in the popup, the complete list will get overwritten with only what you’ve selected in the popup. You can add a printer in the list and save, then repeat to remove that printer.


I think I have found a solution to this on Mac.

  1. Once you have edited the printer selection with the gear wheel at the top on the left hand panel… then,
  2. go to Bambu Studio preferences you can get there by pressing cmd+,
    and uncheck the box that says “Show online staff-picked models on the home page”
  3. Then close down Bambu Studio, and it should have removed the inexplicably irrelevant staff picked options.
    Please let me know if this works for you too.

We didn’t have the option to remove those presets either, although it was on a Windows machine, but your solution worked for us, too.
Many thanks!

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Had this issue on windows but there was no ‘x’ in the printer settings to delete the profile. And it was not checkmarked in the printers list.

Fixed it by adding the “ghost” print in the printer selection list, accepting, then going back and unchecking it. It disappeared from the list after that.


you sire are a true legend!

Glad it helped! It is so unusual that I can solve tech issues.

Legend. But still, we’re just bypassing bugs here