Designer approved profiles posted by a team member

I create my models for use on any printer and have found a Bambu maker that creates the print profiles for Bambu printers for me. As a team member, he posts the ‘designer approved’ print profiles for my posted models.

This has worked fine for months but it seems that his print profile was taken down and points removed for ‘breaking the rules’. Is there a rule that says only the designer can post a ‘designer approved’ print profile?

Teamwork, Steve

Might be considered misleading? (I know you’re not being misleading specifically, but others would easily abuse this wording to try and snake off points from a designer) Or maybe there wasn’t a photo with the print profile? I don’t know. I think without more information, it’s hard to know for sure if it was the “Designer approved” aspect.

Regardless though, if it was designer approved, there’s no way to really verify that. Anyone could start posting up profiles tagged “designer approved” at that point, and that could become an issue it’s own.

Basically, I’m thinking that may not be the best way to approach it? I wouldn’t have anything special like that noted on the profile itself, but in the model’s description I’d note that I’ve partnered with this or that designer to do the profiles, and highlight them that way.

Certainly we could use better tools when dealing with the profiles, and the option to block others from posting profiles, and the option to authorize specific people to post profiles to our works.


It would seem that if the designer had more control over print profiles it would help.

My models are always quite complex and I want to ensure the best possible maker experience across all platforms. My ‘Bambu team member’ also provides QA and is part of the project. I want him to handle the full print profile posting so I can be sure it is correct. He has been doing this for me for quite some time and just recently was hit with a takedown.

It would be simple enough if print profiles could be tagged by the designer as ‘approved’.

This is interesting because MW has had a problem with vampire print profiles that people post to skim points from the original creator. They scale a model or change infill/walls and call it a new profile.

Your experience indicates they might be hearing (just one ear and over a lot of street noise) our complaints about vampire profiles. That’s good I guess but what the community has been asking for is control over our model pages where we can allow or disallow profiles from others that aren’t our own.

@MakerWorld - can you guys comment about this?

Thank you.

I fully understand Bambu’s position in trying to police this. In this day and age the rules to stop ‘bad actors’ are really limiting what the ‘good actors’ are trying to accomplish.

Teamwork, Steve

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Could it be being considered as a alternate profile of a already registered user
( against the rules ? ) and point farming

I time my model uploading and the ‘designer approved’ print profile being loaded shortly after by my team. This ensures his is the first one listed. As well as he only posted one print profile per model.

Why don’t you just upload the profile yourself?

It’s a bit of a weird approach, and does make it sound sketchy, even if it isn’t

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Sounds easy enough, but with so many printers and download sites I want to have the appropriate support person who uses Bambu printers to handle the end to end process of QA through loading the profile. I do not post for points and want to give him some credit for his hard work.

I always sign-off with ‘teamwork’ and that’s how I operate.

Teamwork, Steve

I don’t think I explained clearly he would provide you the profile and the photo and you would add it when creating the model on makerworld (adding the profile is the fastest part of the whole thing)

You could still give him credit in the title and/or description, and the points they get from profiles are very small anyways, it’s the downloads that yields more points, so you can reward his work with cash (or if that’s not possible with gift cards) :slight_smile:

I appreciate that.

I just do not want to be in the business of ‘print profiles’ myself or policing points between myself and team members. Just a way for me to be removed from any specific 3D printer since I post for any printer to be used and only respond to queries about individual STL files.

Teamwork, Steve

Have you thought about using the “Recommend” function on their profiles to denote that you approve of them?

Edit Sorry, I forgot to add, your models are amazing!


I do not see that option on my PC. I do not use the Bambu Handy app, maybe it;'s only there?


Thanks for the kind words on my models.

Teamwork, Steve

You’re welcome. I’m on a PC. If you pull up the model and click the three dot menu (beside Copyright Claim) and click “Edit” from there it should show you the model and all the print profiles, then any profile that wasn’t uploaded by you will have the “Recommend” button.


Just goes o show how little I use Makerworld (so many download sites, so little time!). I use that button for editing the model and never realized I can recommend the print profile there!!!

True Teamwork,

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