I have printed dozens of them myself, and hundreds of others have printed it successfully as well.
Recently I’ve been getting reports of problems adjusting the text, which I have confirmed- as soon as any part of the text is modified, it no longer sits flush on the surface, and starts warping randomly around the different surfaces.
Previously the text would stay in the same place, the words could be replaced, and at most you’d have to adjust character spacing to make everything fit. Now, it seems like all heck has broken loose and I CANNOT for the life of me figure out what the problem is!
Attached are screenshots of how it normally looks plus what it often looks like once something is adjusted. Can someone please take a look and see if they can help me with this? I tried deleting the text entirely and adding new text, the same thing happens. I tried it in Orca Slicer as well, that won’t even let me edit the text at all since it was created in Bambu Studio.
I’m pulling my hair out here! Someone please rescue me!
As you said it still worked in so something broke along the way. The new 1.10.2 public beta has sort of fixed this, it allows for surface and horizontal text to be selected at the same time, but if the previous text used both, new text has to be generated to replace the old text. Not ideal, but maybe it will just work work in the official release.
THANK YOU! You really made my day. I’m going to update my MakerWorld post to let people know they can use an older version or the new beta as w workaround.