Different 5015 Part Cooling Fans?

So It seems like the original 5015 part cooling fan was this,

r/BambuLab - Different 5015 Part Cooling Fans?

But now it seems to be this one in the X1C/X1E/P1S, and maybe all newer printers.

r/BambuLab - Different 5015 Part Cooling Fans?

Which one is better?

Has anyone tested them, RPM, CFM, mmH2O?

My 0.15amp seems to be around 9500RPM but that’s all I can say.

Is the 0.22amp newer one just different, an improvement, or a cheaper downgrade?

If I order a new toolhead cover, which fan will come with it?

Yes a toolhead cover will come with one.
I can’t answer your other questions but if you decide to dyi you’ll have to splice the connector onto the new fan.

If I were a betting man, I’d look for a replacement that matches specs of the original.

Or just drop the $19 for a new cover.

So I ordered another toohead cover, it came with the 0.22amp Snowfan, I compared the two fans with these instruments (+ a cellphone dB app, held at the door of the printer) here’s the results, maybe 7 percent better, and 8dB quieter.