Difficult print test

I bought a P1s with AMS a few months ago brand new. Great printer, only had maybe one or 2 failed prints .
So a few weeks ago i bought an X1 carbon with AMS off facebook marketplace. Has low hours, seller barely used it. Also the same, great prints, only one or 2 failures. Has hardened steel nozzle.

I think its time to off load one, but not sure which one to keep. I figured id put both through its paces to see which one prints better and maybe that would help me decide which one to keep.
I have some TPU, and some PA6-cf that ive never tried printing on either printer…

What are some difficult prints that i can try to put these printers to a test?

My brain tells me to keep the carbon jist because of the few perks over the P1s but print qaility and printer consistency really is more important.

I’d expect the print quality and consistency to be the same. I’m sure you’ve noticed that the P1S uses X1C profiles, it will print anything the X1C can. The “small perks” are why I’d keep the X1C.

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I think it would be more logical to keep the p1s, if it is still within the warrantee period. It will do most of what the x1 does, if the x1, with it’s added complexity, keeps working, but there is less to go wrong in the p1s. The x1 is second-hand already, so should sell for nearly what you paid for it, depending… Or you could sell both, and get a new x1, maybe. Or keep the two ams, or sell them both, and save print time and filament wastage. :smiling_imp: