Dimensions of A1 mini with AMS lite

Hi! I made a JPG of dimensions including AMS lite, I put here because can be useful for someone :slight_smile:

Please to confirm, can you measure the width of the printer (without AMS lite), is it 38cm? And what is the width of the part that sits on the table of only the printer?

Thank you very much!


Thank you for dimensions. I have an outstanding idea for housing for my awaited A1 mini :smile: It will be hilarious. Probably the only one of its kind in the world. Regarding your question on Bambu Lab A1 mini - Technical Specifications it says even less: 347mm width.

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Here are my dimensions. Essentially 22” wide x 22” high. Sorry, too new to post pics.

Its possible to unmount “poop dispenser” I have only 37cm space :frowning:

From the right farthest endpoint to the left farthest end point I got 13.5 inches which converts to 34cm. That’s just the x - axis of the front.

You can turn off the flow calibration which is also known as the purging feature. I turned that off and no purging, its a nice little setting.

Thanks👍…just what I was looking for. very helpful!

can you please confirm if table with 40cm size for depth (y axis) is enough for this printer. Thank you

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I did the same but I wonder if I should turn it on from time to time? Is it necessary?

Thank you that was so helpful! I used your drawing to figure out roughly the side of the base only as I need it to fit on top f a round table, some parts will stick out but no problem :slight_smile: One question this measurements don’t account for the spools right? Im auming since they are not shown on the image, just checking! Thanks!

I’m currently using a table that’s 55 cm wide, on which the printer and AMS sits just about comfortable with the printer sticking out on the left side. That’s as small as I’d say is comfortable. The actual minimum space you would need is probably about 65 cm wide.