Disrespectful Comments from a Fellow Creator

I know such behavior & comments are hurtful, but realize that the offender is childish (in that they have a stunted emotional growth) and a poor loser who can’t let a winner have their joy. Whatever you do, do NOT drop down to their level. Register a complaint with the powers that be, and then completely ignore the offender. If the community recognizes the offender for what they are - a pariah, a community-rejected outcast - and ignores him/her, they will eventually go away to some other area of the net where they can drag someone down to their low level and get into a spitting match there.

Most folks recognize childish behavior for what it is, and they are disgusted by it all. By ignoring the child, you show the world that you are higher class and more mature. Its the best way to resond to such an loser: be the bigger person.

now this is kind of offending! the only thing i said is about a 3d model not a print. and now you say i’m a jerk? i said im sorry and i am not even active in any other internet forum or website apart from bambulab’s.

It’s very sad and honestly terrible for this line of work that involves 3D printing… But unfortunately like other posts that have been discussed on this topic.

Those badges literally mean nothing to anyone within the US of A…
You might be able to gain attention from an attorney but if you’re operating in a garage within your home and not from a business and generate 500k+/yr with patents on designs 99% of them won’t even bother wasting time on your case.

If the individual is based in another country, the badge means even less. Basically just a scare tactic. The real damage that badge and logos do is all within the community. If you carry around or use others designs around people that are actively within and involved/contribute, you’’ be bashed and shamed to the fullest.

Locally I don’t police it but I’ve already caught and talked to a handful of facebook marketplace users that try to pull a fast one and sell models just for quick cash. The LLC behind me shows I’m not simply a person telling them “Better not do that or else” yada yada… They tend to either state they do actively hold commercial rights or they’re sorry and didn’t know.

I’ve not seen any movement in any rights within 3D printing design/models in the past 8 years. More so designers have taken extra steps with licensing contracts and agreements. Then and only then attorneys will listen but at the same time you have to be able to afford it otherwise more than likely even then the designer will loose more than they take from it but it’s their pride in work/design they want to protect plus their name.

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@MakerWorld Bravo :clap:t4: :clap:t4: Now that’s what we want to hear


This. No censorship required. Let people tell you how they really are…

Kind of amazing…the original offender apologizes, the one offended accepts the apology and now, the original offender is being attacked. “Hello pot; kettle calling!”

And someone mentions attorneys…how is that relevant to anything in this post?

Just my opinion, but leave the original offender alone. I am sure he/she is feeling quite isolated now which is enough of a punishment when combined with the apology and removing the offensive posts.

In fact, I say welcome the contrite back in full fellowship for having the courage to enter a hostile atmosphere and put themselves in jeopardy of being attacked while doing the right thing. Not an easy thing to do.

Just my 3 cents (increased due to inflation, not its inherent worth).


Although, I agree their comments were unkind and in poor taste, they did actually apologize and to me that shows a great level of maturity.

How many times have you said something out loud that you realized was a stupid thing to say? I’ve done it plenty of times myself.
Normally, only a few people hear it and you give a sincere apology and move along.
Since it has written on the internet the words reach a larger audience.
The offender made their apology and the OP accepted it.

Let’s reward this person’s good behavior as an example of how globally connected citizens should treat each other.

People make mistakes. Let’s learn to forgive the small stuff.


Agree, I accepted his apologies, he said he is not going to do this anymore, and from my side the topic is resolved.

Please don’t be hostile towards him. Let’s turn this page.


The concept of forgive or not forgive doesn’t apply in this case though. If there were punishment for the offender (such as his entry being removed from the contest, loss of privilege to uploand models for a month, etc) and the punishment depends on whether or not the victims forgive the offender, then the forgiveness would have been relevant. But that’s not the case here.

There is a need to post it here either, although it doesn’t harm the vcitims by getting some public condemnation of the offender and some good exposure to their entries :). The only action the victim(s) need to do is to report it to MW and let MW handle it. If it happens again in the future (it may, to a different victim), report it again. There is no real relationship between the offender and the victim(s) like in real life. so there is nothing to forgive.

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Same! Everyone else is just making ergonomic mice. Yours should win, I’m rooting for you!

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Probably a twelve year old not yet ready to deal with competition. I think this just calls for putting them on blast in addition to the report.

Especially since “trending” is indicative of user determined popularity statistics, the offended person is arguing against the actual concensus. They’re plain wrong when they say “never do blah blah blah”.

It’s evident by the popularity, that you should frequently do blah blah blah :joy:

My mouth overrides my brain at work, the keyboard usually slows me down. Emotions and passion for the hobby does that us sometimes. Good for you to realize that emotional override (I think you understand) after taking a step back. Now get back to making cool stuff for us to print!!! :rofl::smile_cat:

If any of our fellow community members see any hateful comments in the future, feel free to use the report function in the comment section to help us identify and eliminate these type of comments within our community, thanks!


There should be consequences other than the comments being removed.

This type of comments is not a slip of tongue. The act of writing requires one to slow down to arrange words to form cohesive sentences to express what’s in one’s mind. They are deliberate.

In any case, each offense should have consequences without having to read the offender’s mind and prove their intention.

Some suggested consequences, depending on severity of the offense:

  1. Loss of priviledge to comment on MW for 30 days for each offense
  2. In the context of a contest, loss of eligibility of offender’s model(s) to win
  3. loss of priviledge to enter contests in the future
  4. Loss of priviledge to upload models for 30 days, if more than 3 offenses in any 30-day period.
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I think Hate Speech has a specific meaning. “hate speech” refers to offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics (such as race, religion or gender) and that may threaten social peace. (United Nations).
Occasionally there are hate speech here, but the comments we are talking about are not hate speech. Use some other category.

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Their comments reek of saddened disappointment in themselves. Definitely the first time I’ve seen anything like this on Makerworld.

I am new to the MakerWorld forums here, but I have noticed how toxic some user are here. To the point that I almost gave up on this community.

There is no need to be that rude to people! If you wouldn’t say it to their face, you shouldn’t be typing it here.


There are always toxic people around and ready to take over any social media forum. Whether or not a forum is toxic depends on how a forum is moderated. Moderation is nonexistent on this BL official forum. If you are new here, get ready for daily whining, crying, and tantrum throwing. Enjoy the show :slight_smile:

Man, I hope “Makerworld” nips this in the bud before it spreads… I can’t imagine how bad it will be if people start to get mean on the internet.


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Other forums I participate in must be used by an older/more mature crowd. There is so much sarcasm and jokes at others expense here that it can be hard to get to the real content.

I am used to forums being about sharing and learning. I don’t even mind the whining posts as much, but when one user attacks another or just completely dismisses their point of view and are completely rude, that really gets to me.

Are we so disconnected behind our screens that we have forgotten what it is like to actually interact with others? Do go outside your house and talk to people like that? Do you interact with people at your job like that? You will not make it far in this world that way.

I am sure this will prompt more snide remarks and sarcasm (probably their defense mechanism), and I apologize if I am just feeding the trolls. At some point people just need to grow up and realize the world doesn’t revolve around them, no matter how hard they try to make it. And hurting others isn’t going to heal that hole inside you.

(And just because you don’t get caught, doesn’t mean what you are doing is less wrong! Referring to the thread on stealing IP.)