Does HIPS successfully support ABS and PETG (using X1C)?

I’m about to order some HIPS for ABS support, and wondering if it’s ok for PETG as well.

I tried using PETG as support, but the interface layer bonded hard to the ABS. I didn’t think they’d like each other chemically, but it seems they bonded either chemically or maybe just mechanically. I had the gap set to 0.

The IONIC high temp support material seems chronically out of stock. The YXPOLYER support material specifically says not to use it to replace Bambu Support G on the “high speed model”, which I take to mean the X1C.

So, Gizmodorks HIPS seems an affordable option. I can run tests, but I’m curious if the experts here have any experience using it to support both PETG and ABS (ASA too?).


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Any success using Gizmodorks HIPS? or tips on use?

Yes i have had success with this. I use the bright orange version.

HIPS works perfectly as a breakaway support interface for PETG.

Use PLA for interface with PETG. or PETG as interface with PLA. The polarity and molecule structure for each is vastly different and will just peel right off. I have had much success with this. Now if I can only get HIPS to do the same with ABS lol. Polypropylene will probably be my next experiment for ABS support.

I’ve found HIPS to be a perfect breakaway support for both ASA and PETG.
I use the BambuStudio default setting of a z=0 interface.
I’ve yet to have to use limonene to dissolve the HIPS, it just peels right off.
I use MatterHackers HIPS in my AMS after re-spooling it onto a Bambu spool

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