Don't latch the AMS cover w/cardboard reels + edge protectors

Most of the filament I buy now comes on cardboard reels, so I’ve been using the 3d-printable snap-on edge guards when running them in the AMS. The problem is that these guards increase the diameter of the reel enough that if you latch the AMS cover, they rub on the inside of the clear plastic and stop turning.

It’s a no-win situation. If you don’t use the guards, the cardboard will degrade and clog the works. If you do use the guards, you can’t latch the cover and thus lose the air-tight seal.

BL really cut it close when they designed the clear cover, wish it had about 1/4" more clearance!

I had the same problem. The spools are only to big on the outer spool holders (it has the least clearance). Try switching to electrical tape to give the cardboard easy traction without compromising the AMS with dust residue.

Maybe this is a solution for you

I am using electric tape to cover the rims. No problems discovered.


I just rip off the carboard sides and put the filament and inner ring onto some printed reusable spools.


You can make this spool winder Printables


Have you printed this out yet and tried it? I downloaded the files a couple of weeks ago but haven’t gotten around to printing it. I’ve watched his videos on YouTube and it seems to be pretty good but that could be just good video editing.

Nope, I had no need for it so far. Out of filaments I buy only eSUN ABS+ 1kg spools were a bit too full due to low density of ABS. Which prevents AMS from winding them back as filament rubs against the feeder a little bit. However after printing a bit, the issue goes away. So pretty much a non issue, unless you print something small or need almost immediate filament change when printing from a full spool.

BTW I think there was no malice or oversight from Bambu Lab when designing AMS. It’s size is pretty much dictated by X1C internal dimensions. IMHO it was a decision for optimizing shipping. If it was a little bit larger, they would not be able to ship it within 3D printer when selling as a combo.


I used to use electrical tape until it popped off during a print and almost ruined my AMS. Now, I use those rings, or I wind it onto re-usable spools.

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Had the same problem as you. Noticed rubbing marks on the lid of my AMS and was having constant rewind issues when using Atomic Filament spools in my AMS. Since I had quite a bit of their filament, I printed this from and haven’t had any more problems with the larger spools rubbing and causing friction on the AMS lid.

Hubby printed the AMS Lid Spacer for me in TPU on his Snapmaker A350 and I’ve had zero issues since. No more rubbing the lid of the AMS, and Atomic Filament spools rewind wonderfully now.

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.75" / 19mm basic masking tape. Make sure you wrap the edges in the direction of the spool unwinding so it constantly rolls it flat. You get wrinkles on the sides, but that does not cause any problems.

Not one issue so far and it’s stupid cheap.

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I have printed it out. If you plan to use it in conjuration with an electric screwdriver, I highly recommand to use the steel axis.
Otherwise it works great.

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