I watched the WIki section on supports but can’t seem to get it to work. The model is from printables.com and I only want supports top be added underneath the indent. But despite making the whole model out of bounds to supports (in red below), and the overhang green, the slicer still adds supports all over the place. I assume I am doing something wrong but maybe someone can point out what it is!
you need to enable manual supports for it to work
in your case it is most likely still on auto support or on build plate only
Messed around with these settings but even on normal it kept putting supports inside through the vent holes to support the green bit. (I had "on build plate " set). It would be very difficult to disentangle these without damaging the model.Then I tried “tree”, which looks odd but does seem to have only put the supports on the outside of the model
I had the same issue with the same model. In the end I used tree support wich resulted in very minimal internal support. But I also couldn’t fix it completely.
you can also use a mix between support blockers ( red ) and support enforcers ( green )
it can be a bit messy but it should do the trick
if you see parts you do not like support ,just put a blocker on it
if it generate parts that should not be htere , then put a blocker next to it or decrease the green support area
in most cases this will solve it
I tried that also. First of all it is very hard to paint support blockers inside of the model, but even then it didn’t work. I still got support inside the model. Maybe it is something specific with this model, I don’t know.
Indeed. I painted everything I could get to red and then just the overhang green however it keep putting support in some of the slots. But using tree and only on base worked for me eventually.
A paint all exclude feature would solve that. The you just Paint the part you want green.
Hi Tanya - can you explain why that would improve things? It’s not clear to me.
this spacing option says only if the space between greater than … then use support. so If you have so small grid, like in your model, this spaces will be ignored from support.
I hope this helps…
Ah, that makes sence. Thanks.
After you highlight red the entire model in support painting, exit out of support painting. Right click on the model to add a support enforcer, select cube, move and rescale the blue cube to make it smaller than the indented area then slice model. Readjust scaling as needed. There is a bug with supports if I remember correctly. Edit: credit to Phil Tsao for this solution for this model.
was that bug not fixed ?
or they where aware of the bug and it get fixed in a later verison :S
eather way , your way is also a nice way to enforce support
Credit goes to Phil Tsao on the FB page for the solution. Dunno if he signed up here. I’ll edit and include that in the post. Dunno if it’s been fixed/improved. I’m still running and it’s not showing up as such in the later releases. Here is the response on the Github: Support Blockers not respected when slicing · Issue #326 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub
I find “tree” supports to be the easiest to remove and the best solution in any slicer for any printer… Sometimes they get a bit wild but you usually have some control over them if you have a strong for the overhang angle that needs support…I usually put it at about 85%, so it only gets the items that really need the support and nothing in between.
I have not received my notification yet to pay with my 1500 bucks for this lovely device but I’m looking forward to it next month… so l don’t know how this slicer works yet, but I hear it’s getting better as time goes on… We all have to remember that this is a company that’s less than 6 months in production and they really are trying to work out their issues ASAP…
I was having the exact same problem with paint not working in the areas deselected. I simply used the support blocker cube (which fit perfectly in my case) and I was done. Thank you for the info.