Drop to bed button for parts, negative space, modifiers, etc

I want to suggest adding a button that allows you to drop parts, negative space and modifiers to the bed as described in this vid :vid here

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If you right click and split into objects it will drop everything to the bed.

Doesn’t work for negative volumes and modifiers.

I agree with request.

This is a different goal than the ‘split to objects’ that has the effect of dropping all split part to the plate.

Something that would allow you to move any selected part/object when individually selected to the plate.

Personally, I would also like a toggle on the move option to use a build-plate based offset rather then the height being the centre of the group.

build plate off set is a great idea too!

can be used as a work around in some scenarios but overall inefficient of you only want to move 1 part, thanks anyway!