Dude on YouTube trying to build an X1C automaton robot

Stumbled upon this guy tonight and was intrigued. Seems like he acquired an off the shelf robot, the Dobot M1 Pro and is trying to get it to remove the build plate and put a new one in. The Dobot M1 was also launched on Kickstarter two years ago and looks pretty cool, but is also $6k. :upside_down_face:

About 6min into the video he’s got it opening the door, but he’s struggling to figure out a system to remove the plate:

In his most recent video he’s pivoting to try and get the Dobot to remove parts instead:

I’m glad smarter people than me are working on this, as it’s pretty cool to see.

Here is the full playlist

Picking up parts working (explanation about the 6min mark, video of it picking up part about 10min mark). He says sometime this week he’ll have a video of it pulling a finished part from the printer.