Easy Hack Allows Filament Spools with Large Center Hubs

I was at my wit’s end trying to feed a large-core filament spool on my AMS lite. I found the solution was a bambu;) skewer broken into thirds and wedged under the spool tabs in a triangular fashion. Please see the

attached image.


Wow, great idea! I have two times fall a roll from the support when printing :slight_smile: And something like this but printed is possible? Did you see some solution like that? Thanks!!

Nope, I was actually trying to use three potato chip bag clips, but they kept falling off. I grabbed a skewer from the same drawer and began “making chicken salad out of chicken s#!?”, as my dad used to say.

I have no modeling skills but if someone would print a suitable solution - three posts with a peg on one side and a receptacle on the other, I would love to receive a copy.

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AMS Lite Spool Adapter by Models - MakerWorld This was one of my first prints, there are other models, but this one looked best to me.


This one worked like a charm for me. Fits all my spools with oversized holes, not just the sunlu
Can’t seem to post a link but it’s on makerworld Sunlu filament spool adapter

Very cool, thank you for the information.

This is awesome, I have about 40 spools of Maker Geek brand from when they started the geek box till there demise… So I just opened up some, and one fell off and so I used Cocktail tooth-picks as there longer for garnishments. like your ide but skewers were to big. this works amazing, as there spool design had a shallow spot on one side. Works well for one side but the other side was fine.

Clever! Chopsticks are cheaper than filament, lol

I designed an adaptor for Sunlu spools on AMS lite
Bambulab A1 AMS spool adapter for 72mm by phildc - Thingiverse


A summary of my spool (cardboard and others) adapters for the AMS-lite can be found at: AMS lite spool adapters by phildc - Thingiverse

How ridiculous to use low tech wooden sticks to fix a problem on a 3D printer - I love it !

I also like the flap insert approach :slight_smile:
I no longer have my vintage Prusa that used 3mm filament - may she rest in pieces in the spare parts box…
But back in the day I faced the problem of spools coming in three different versions for the centre hole.
A rather tiny one with spokes connecting to the actual core of the spool.
The standard size.
And for those 3kg rolls a hole that was much larger.

My spool holder back then was rather crude and simple.
Two wooden stand to hold the threaded rod for the spools.
A 14 or so millimetre threaded rod with a 2mm pitch, two nuts…
On one side of the stand I had frisbee shaped plate fixed.
With a matching disk insert offering a long slot to hold a ‘hook’ that went into a spoke of the roll.
In between those two was a spring from a tape measure.
Fixed to the disk going to the spool and loose in the ‘frisbee’.
Kept an even tension on the spool and offered a nice rewind as well.
The problem of those spool holes was fixed by simply printing matching disks to fit the threaded rod, one either side of the spool and they print quickly…

Hi. You cloud also try my model.

It works with large and very small IDs

i saw in printables that a person disinged a claw thing for the ams lite it clips on and its preety secure

WOW!!! :star_struck: :heartbeat: :ok_hand: :wave: :+1: What a great idea!

Genius. I used those disposable chopsticks you get from Chinese or Thai restaurants.