Easy mods / must haves for AMS?

What are the actual “easy mods” or “must haves” for AMS unit that one should print and install on their AMS? I’m certain only about Desicant boxes by @AeonJoey however on top of that there’s tons of options and I don’t want to turn it into another “project” so… What are the actual must-haves for AMS that make life easier / AMS work better / are such a no-brainer that you’d wonder why Bambu doesn’t include it in every unit?

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These and those like it are often cited as very useful.

I haven’t printed them myself yet, but I do intend on printing one set and if they do as promised, do another three sets.

Whatever BL have for their next big printer announcement, we have to assume a revised AMS will be part of it.

Hopefully one with drying, weighing and more in the mix.


Thanks so much for the shout out, other than desiccant boxes and hygrometers, I 100% agree with @MalcTheOracle I use @madizmo’s AMS Savers and swear by em.

Ironically, Creality has taken a hint from this design and included similar ptfe+funnel like designs on their ‘CFS’

outside of those, I think it’s very contextual on each person’s use case, on mine I have printed shelves holding my AMS’s on the wall above the printer, and 2 build plate racks command-stripped to the undersides.

I also use these desiccant cores on all of my BBL spools


Thbis are the best a simplest I have tried. And I tried a lot…


The button for the AMS buffer + maybe a guide for the PTFE tube? (Haven’t tried the latter one)

Something like this one:

Other than that, my AMS is mostly stock. I added some dessicant boxes in it, but not really sure if I will keep them. You need to refresh the dessicant like every week.

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These are very useful for the times you need to remove the PTFE tubes from the AMS hub.

The need for these appears to be a design flaw in the AMS hub as it shouldn’t take removing the AMS ZHPhub from the printer to remove a PTFE tube.

With these. You don’t have to remove the hub.


What are the “AMS Saver” things actually saving? The link doesn’t explain why you’d want it. Just the tiny grey plastic part where the filament ends? Or does it also prevent tangling which could damage a motor?

(Feed part isn’t expensive to replace)

Yes, reduces wear on this part due to many filaments cutting a hole into the part.

Yes, by guiding the filament it aims to reduce the unnecessary pressure caused when filament inadvertently gets stuck down either side of the spool between it and the filament when there is a gap. This is common with reusable spools as they sometimes come with spaces either side of the refill when added to the spool.

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Cutting a hole? Wow, I guess the abrasiveness of some filaments is no joke then.

I’ll have to think about making these upgrades. It looks like it’d be more annoying to initially feed into the AMS. (And I’ve got 4 AMS so it’s a bit of work, but that’s my problem for being a Lord of Overkill…)

The feeding into the the AMS is pretty straightforward as they need to be designed around the hole as a pivot. The only slightly fiddly bit for me was to feed the PTFE’s into the savers. But that only needs to be done once. Well worth the effort.
Maybe just start with your most used AMS.

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The ones I linked to in the pic have two (well three including the ptfe) parts: the hinged base lets you flip the ptfe down when loading and unloading, the bit at the end both is designed to prevent tangles and will wear down as opposed to wearing out your AMS intake hole.
I started using them after having a lot of issues with 500g and 250g spools, and had to start using ptfe extenders, but the rigid ones get in the way when you’re inserting and removing spools, so these with the hinge are easiest for me.