Easy way of send/export .gcode to SD Card

When working in studio and slicing multiple files, I would like to be able to (easily) send or export the files to the SD card in the printer via wireless by means other than FTP. I Just want to prep and slice a file then click send, drop down > SD > choose printer or click send, drop down > choose printer > SD Card.

If the printer is connected to Wifi you can already “Send” files to the SD card on a X series. No need to use FTP.


I was going to agree, but I don’t actually see a way to do it. Although you can send the gcode to a SD card, I don’t see a way to select the card in the printer as a destination. The wiki (and my experimentation) shows that the destination is selected from locations on the computer or its network, and the printers SD card does not appear there.

Bambu Studio Quick Start Guide | Bambu Lab Wiki.

In the Preview window, far right hand side in the “Print” drop down, select “Send”

This sends the file to the X1C SD card (if inserted). It does not start the print.


To start a print you have to select the file from the SD card.

The P series is a little different as when you “Print” you send the file to the card.


JonRaymond beat me to it. But Yes, the Send function sends to the SD Card. If you have multiple plates it will send multiple plates. You can also in the drop down send to multiple printers but you have to send to 1 at a time.

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This is on an A1 and that does not seem to work/be the same

This ia also what I am finding on my A1

Thanks, I thought I had seen that option before, but today I thought the file was just going to the printer, not the card. I should have looked at the window title.

I have an SD Card inserted into the machine, but the “Send” option is grey when I try to send pre-exported GCode. Is there something I need to do before trying to send it?

My process is as follows:

  • Open slicer.
  • Drag GCode file into slicer to open it.
  • Change the drop down to “Send”.
  • Option remains grey and unable to be clicked.

The slicer needs to slice the file before it will allow it to send it. I don’t think you can “Send” a pre sliced gcode file. You will need to transfer it manually or use the original model to reslice and send.


Thank you. That unfortunately seems to be the case. I was hoping to just be able to send my pre sliced files.

You can you just need to send them FTP.


Thank you, I’ll have to look into that!

How to FTP ?

  1. Download Filezilla client

  2. Go to your printer LAN MODE settings > Get the &

  3. Open Filezila and put the as the host

  4. input the

  5. user: “bblp”
