Elegoo PETG Rapid Suggestions?

Is 40% worth it? That’s a personal decision. For me personally, I say a resounding NO!!

However, my take on this hobby is that it can quickly get out of hand. I spent $600 on my P1P, only to end up spending nearly that much again on upgrades and spare parts. Filament is like the part of the iceberg below the water—it can quickly get out of control. So, in my mind, I tamp down heavily on costs.

I’ve made two posts on this topic.

This one describes what motivates me in filament selection. When I first got my printer, I felt screwed by Bambu because I couldn’t get white or black PLA for weeks. In a way, they did me a favor. Now, I treat it like a competitive sport to see just how good of a deal I can get. But the real question is: If you could buy 6KG of filament and get another 4KG free, would you take that bet?

And this post on Fancy Schmancy filaments tells what I found behind the curtain. Many speculate that Bambu is utilizing Elegoo or Esun as their filament foundry. Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is for certain—their filament, like their support, has a very checkered history.

Regarding Elegoo PETG, here are my comments on their PLA, which was not good: ELEGOO Rapid PETG Filament - #2 by Olias. However, based on referrals from trusted folks in that thread, I purchased Elegoo PETG. Can it print as fast or as well as Bambu HF? So far, it has, but I will say the Bambu filament is slightly better—though not 40% better.

I also don’t trust Bambu’s consistency of late. There have been way too many stories posted here where people purchased bulk only to find that quality shifted dramatically from one end of the bulk carton to the next. If Bambu had Amazon-like return policies, I’d consider it risk-free but therein lies the rub, they have poor return policies and have proven time and again to force people to jump through hoops and in many cases, sing for their supper just to get customer service.

On the topic of being generous with my time. This is a community and sharing is what it’s all about. All I ask is as you gain experience, you’ll find you have something to share, make it meaningful and share willingly and you will have paid it forward.