Bambu Handy is a pretty cool machine control tool (besides all the Maker World BS in the first page, which should be a separate software).
I run Bambu Handy on a 11.6"in tablet which comes with a keyboard and pen, hence, landscape format 99% of the time. The issue that the Bambu app screen does not adjust for the landscape format and keeps it as a tiny portrait screen on the center of two black columns, making it hard to read.
Absolutely, a better iPad experience would be awesome. Not just landscape support, but something beyond a blown-up smartphone app. With MakerWorld now in the mix, there’s a ton of potential to leverage that extra screen space.
On iOS/iPadOS, you can set the Printer tab as the default instead of the MakerWorld tab. It’s likely the same on Android, though I haven’t checked that out.
+1 it would definitely be an improvement to the workflow. I use the iPad mostly for looking up prints because I think the phone is just too small to use comfortably, then switch to the desktop for editing.
+1, for Android tablets
I can force it landscape on Samsung tablets, but it insists on only 2 or 3 columns across, which makes for comically inconvenient super low res Fisher-Price layouts.