Esun PLA + broken in AMS Lite

Hi all,

I have an issue with broken PLA +, two weeks old filament, only the part that is in the Filament Tubes on the AMS Lite.

New with using the PLA + from Esun, is that normal? I have another brand(Local from the Netherlands, thats in the same room for 120 months without any issues.

So when is want to remove a color, extrude it from the AMS, it will brake…

Any ideas? Bad filamant? Normal after 2 weeks in a room with this kind of brand?


I had some old filament that did the same, and almost broke my AMS trying to get the broken parts out of the unit. Don’t use that anymore into AMS, it’s not worth it! I’ve lost many hours and almost destroyed the AMS, because many small parts got blocked in different parts of the AMS.
I believe this is because wet filament (usually if it’s wet, it gets very brittle). Try to dry the filament if you have a way to do that. I test the filament with my fingers, if it breaks very easy without bending, i don’t put it in AMS … for my it’s not worth the trouble.

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